Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Waiting for a Blueberry

Time is a funny thing. Most of my adult life has been spent wishing I could somehow slow time down or add more hours into the day or days into the week. This last week has been a new experience.

In hindsight, this entire pregnancy has gone by very quickly but the last 3 weeks are  s l o w l y   c r a w l i n g  by like I’ve haven’t experienced in quite some time- probably since the weeks leading up to Christmas between the ages of 5 and 10.  
I finished full time work at Christmas and I thought, yes, a few months to get myself organized, get the house ready, and start buying some baby essentials. I made several lists and started chipping away at them. There was plenty to keep busy with. I had an entire nursery to purchase and decorate and many other miscellaneous items to tend to. We also had a few milestones to get past- Mike’s first year exam, basketball provincials with the team I was coaching. Up until then, I was thinking, we’re not quite ready but soon we will be!
I understand that first babies are statistically late but in my family the first 3 Morales grandkids all came early ranging from a few days to a week. I foolishly assumed I would be so lucky. With my due date of March 31st on the horizon, I counted backwards a few days hoping this little one would follow in the footsteps of its cousins.  
Last week Mike was home for a few days using up some leftover vacation days. My in-laws hadn’t yet left for their spring break vacation and my sister’s in-laws were visiting from Oregon hoping to meeting little Blueberry before their departure. It seemed like a great time for this little one to debut. I went the doctor on Tuesday who said with great confidence, “I would be very surprised if I your baby didn’t come this week.” Wonderful, I thought. And so I walked, sat and bounced on the bouncy ball and got a reflex massage. Nothing.
Why do they say that? They don’t know. The doctor said the same thing this week. I said, “You told me that last week.”
And so, the waiting continues. I am once again reminded that I am not in control. I must remember, “He has made everything beautiful in its time”(Ecclesiates 3:11). God knows when this baby is coming. For now, I must be patient and wait.